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F. Minutes - April 16, 2014, Approved
April 16, 2014
A meeting of the Salem Historical Commission was held on Wednesday, April 16, 2014 at 7:00 pm at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Jessica Herbert (Chair), Laurie Bellin, David Hart, Susan Keenan, and Joanne McCrea.

13 Washington Square/132 Essex Street
The Peabody Essex Museum submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace and repair missing and deteriorated brownstone on the Phillips Library. Where possible the existing brownstone will be restored. In areas where the brownstone is missing or severely damaged, the applicant is proposing to use cast stone, colored to match brownstone. Robert Monk was present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 3/20/14
  • Photographs: 3/20/14
  • Drawings: 2/3/14
Mr. Hart disclosed that he has a contract with Peabody Essex Museum, but it does not impact this work.

Mr. Monk showed the Commission members a sample of the cast stone. There is currently some cast stone on the building, installed in the 1990s.

Ms. Herbert asked if they would be repairing brownstone that is delaminating.

Mr. Monk responded in the affirmative. They would use glue or Dutchmen where possible. They estimate that approximately 30% of the brownstone will be replaced. They will remove a good sample of brownstone and create a mold from it. The removed pieces of brownstone will be archived.

There was no public comment.

VOTE:   Mr. Hart made a motion to approve the application as submitted. Ms. Bellin seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

242 Lafayette Street
Lucien LaBonte submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace the existing 3-tab roof with architectural shingles. The manufacturer for the shingles is Timberline. Lucien LaBonte was present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 3/3/14
  • Photographs: 3/3/14
Ms. Herbert read a letter of support from Councilor Josh Turiel, 238 Lafayette Street.

Mr. LaBonte stated that he included in his application a list of properties located within the historic districts that have architectural shingles. He would like to use shingles similar to that at 88 Federal Street.

Ms. Herbert stated that the majority of properties on the list were not approved for architectural shingles and are therefore in violation. She noted that for this property the gable end faces the street, so there is only one portion of the roof that is very visible.

Mr. Hart stated that architectural shingles are limited in the guidelines to unusual circumstances. The reason he does not like the architectural shingles is that the roof jumps out at you visually. Slateline is a good option for 3-tab shingles.

Ms. Herbert recalled that 24 Warren Street was approved for architectural shingles.

Ms. Lovett left the room to pull the file for 24 Warren Street.

Ms. Herbert stated that 24 Warren Street was a mansard roof and therefore the Commission had found that the shingles could be appropriate. She asked the Commission members there opinion on the architectural shingles.

Ms. Keenan and Ms. McCrea stated that they would not want to set a precedent for architectural shingles for this style of house.

The public commenting period was opened.

Ken Leisey asked how much of the roof detail you would be able to see from the public way.

The public commenting period was closed.

Ms. Bellin stated that there are some types of architectural shingles that have more of a 3-dimensional look. Some types of architectural shingles have been approved for some types of houses.

Ms. Herbert stated that they could approve a 3-tab shingle now and then continue discussion of the architectural shingles to the next meeting in order to allow time to do more research. She stressed that the Commission needs to be careful in approving a new type of roof than they have approved in the past.

VOTE:   Mr. Hart made a motion to approve a 3-tab shingle roof in dark gray. Ms. Bellin seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

VOTE:   Ms. McCrea made a motion to continue discussion of the architectural shingles to the next meeting. Mr. Hart seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

28 Beckford Street
Richard and Jane Stauffer submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to relocate a downspout to the front of the house. The downspout currently runs along the side.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 3/31/14
  • Photographs: 3/31/14
The applicants for 28 Beckford Street were not present at the meeting. The application will be continued to the next meeting.

McIntire Arch Restoration
Mark Meche, Winter Street Architects, presented an update of the McIntire Arch restoration to the Commission on behalf of the Salem Common Neighborhood Association. Peter LaChappelle was also present.  

The SCNA is approximately ¾ through their fundraising effort. They have removed the carvings and are currently storing them. They are now determining whether or not it is preferable to restore and reinstall the carvings or cast them and archive the originals. He discussed the current conditions of the various carvings:

        Portrait of Washington: mixed condition
        Alunette panel: severe deterioration but can be restored
        Festoons: good condition
        Scrolls: one is missing, one is OK condition
Mr. Meche also discussed the different iterations of the arch details (original full size arch, 1976, and current). He asked the Commission their thoughts about which version should be replicated. The general consensus was that they should replicate the 1976 version in order to be true to the artist that created the replica. He stated that they will be submitting an application to the Commission covering this next phase of repair and restoration work.

92-96 Lafayette Street- Request for Letter of Support
Strega Realty Trust submitted a request for a letter of support for their Massachusetts Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit application.  

Documents & Exhibits
  • Request for letter of support
VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the letter of support. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Grove Street Improvement Project – Project Notification Form
The City of Salem requested comments on a Project Notification Form being submitted to the Massachusetts Historical Commission for the Grove Street Improvements Project. The purpose of the project is to produce a ‘complete streets’ circulation environment through the Grove Street corridor between Goodhue Street and Harmony Grove Road.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Cover letter: 4/3/14
  • Project Notification Form
Mr. Hart pointed out that the application asked if there are any historic properties within the Area of Potential Effect (APE), however the response states that there are not historic resources within the “project area.” He questioned whether there is a difference between the APE and project area.

Ms. Herbert agreed with Mr. Hart. She pointed out that while there are not historic resources along the roadway, there are several adjacent houses that could be impacted by vibrations. Generally, it is a very industrial area.

VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to submit a letter including the comments previously stated. Ms. Keenan seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

217 Essex Street – Proposed Telecommunications Facility
In accordance to the Section 106 review process, EBI Consulting requested comments from the Commission on whether a proposed telecommunications facility at 217 Essex Street will have a potential effect to historic properties.  

Documents & Exhibits
  • Cover letter: 4/1/14
  • Project plans: 1/29/14
Mr. Hart asked if the antennae would be visible from the street.

Ms. Herbert stated that it doesn’t appear to be any taller than what is existing. She suggested that the Commission’s letter state that if the new installation does not exceed the height of the existing installations, they find no impact on historic resources.

VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the letter with comments. Ms. Keenan seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Salem Lateral Project – Pre-filing Draft Resource Reports
Spectra Energy Partners submitted to the Commission for review and comment a copy of the draft Resource Report being submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)as part of the pre-filing review process. The Salem Lateral Project will deliver natural gas supply to the Footprint Power site.  

Documents & Exhibits
  • Cover letter: 4/7/14
  • Draft Resource Report: April 2014
Ms. Bellin recused herself from the discussion and vote, due to her employment with the MA Department of Public Utilities, and moved to the audience.

Ms. Herbert pointed out the response to comments section of the materials. The Commission had previously asked for the reasons that the sea route was not plausible. From the report, it seems as though the route was eliminated primarily due to the effect of marine habitats.

Mr. Hart stated that the Commission has expressed its concern regarding adverse effects that could occur from vibrations several times, he sees no need to restate that concern.

Ms. Herbert stated that their letter could include that the affected historic structures are to be determined by MHC.

VOTE:   Mr. Hart made a motion to submit a letter with the discussed comments. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Salem Lateral Project – Pre-filing Cultural Resource Documentation
Public Archaeology Laboratory (PAL) submitted to the Commission, for review and comment, a copy of the Cultural Resource Documentation, which is a section of the draft Resource Report, being submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) as part of the pre-filing review process. The Salem Lateral Project will deliver natural gas supply to the Footprint Power site.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Cover letter 3/28/14
  • Photographs: Cultural Resource Report: 3/28/14
The Commission reviewed this agenda item in conjunction with the previous Salem Lateral project discussion.

Marblehead Pipeline Replacement Project – Marine Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey
The South Essex Sewerage District submitted for review a copy of the draft Marine Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey report for the Marblehead Pipeline Replacement Project. The pipeline runs through Salem Harbor and will be replaced with a new pipeline. The report, prepared by David S. Robinson & Associates, Inc. (DSRA), presents the results of the initial phase of a marine archaeological reconnaissance survey of the submerged portion of proposed pipeline.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Cover letter: 4/4/14
  • Draft report: April 2014
Mr. Hart stated that the majority of this report discusses underwater archaeology. He would defer to Massachusetts Historical Commission.
The Commission agreed that they did not find the need to submit a comment letter.

Ms. Bellin returned to the table.

Greenlawn Cemetery – Draft National Register Nomination
Jane Guy, Department of Planning and Community Development, requested comments regarding the draft National Register nomination, completed by Lisa Mausolf, for Greenlawn Cemetery (57 Orne Street).

Mr. Hart stated that he thought the nomination was well done and very comprehensive. The other Commission members agreed.

VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to submit a letter with the comments discussed. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Other Business
Approval of Minutes

VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to approval the minutes of 2/19/2014 with comments.
Ms. McCrea seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to approval the minutes of 3/19/14 with comments.
Ms. McCrea seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

There was no correspondence.

Community preservation Committee Update
Ms. McCrea passed out a handout she compiled which detailed the Community Preservation Committee’s decisions on the FY14 applications. She discussed the funded projects with the Commission.

VOTE:   There being no further business, Ms. Bellin made a motion to adjourn. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Natalie BL Lovett
Community Development Planner